Vorhergehender Pharmacode, auf dem dieser Barcode früher hinterlegt war.
Ancien Pharmacode avec ce code-à-barres
Previous pharmacode using this barcode

Source: Industry   |   Release 2008-01

Previous pharmacode with this barcode (galdat 3.0,Table.Field: ACBARCODE.Phar2)

Mostly in the non-pharma-range, it often arrives, that a supplier changes the package of an article, using the same GTIN as for the old one.  In INDEX we create a new pharmacode, attributing the GTIN to this new pharmacode, but we give you the hint here, taht the GTIN was used before with the old pharmacode.


German Früherer Pharmacode mit diesem Barcode
French Ancien Pharmacode avec ce code-à-barres

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