Zusatzinformation zur REFNO
Information supplémentaire concernant REFNO
Additional data to complement the CODE/VALUE information
Source: HCI Solutions AG | Release 2014-11
Additional data to complement the CODE/VALUE information. In case of CODE=ZSRNR, this contains the swiss canton/state code where that ZSR is assigned to, e.g. VD for Vaud.
Zusatzinformation zur REFNO, inhaltliche Bedeutung abhÀngig vom jeweiligen CODE:
Falls CODE = ZSRNR: NOTE = State/Kanton.
Information supplémentaire concernant REFNO, signification du contenu dépendant de chaque CODE:
Si CODE = ZSRNR: NOTE = Ă©tat/canton.
German | Zusatzinformation zur REFNO |
French | Information supplémentaire concernant REFNO |