Artikeldaten der Grossisten / Lieferinfos Verblisterer
Informations des grossistes pour leur articles / Informations de livraison de l'emballeur sous blister
Source: Wholesaler | Release 2008-01 | Schema/XSD | Example Data
For each wholesaler (as seen in the schema WHOLESALER), this schema includes information about
- availability
- base prices
- conditions
In addition, the schema also includes similar data from blister prvoiders. In these cases, the specification is slightly different:
- The articles always represent a single dose SDO, as available from schema ARTICLE. From there on, you can link to additional PRODUCT information (e.g. the pharmacological divisibility in PRODUCT_PROPRIETARY_QUANTITY/PQ/DIV)
- The stock information STCK has a value of 1 if this SDO can be ordered from the blister provider. The stock information of 0 denotes all SDO, which are not offered for blistering, either because the SDO is not blisterable or because there is not enough market demand. If the STCK is null (element is missing), the blistering provider has no information about this SDO right now; it is suggested to contact him directly in such a case.
As an example, the blister provider Medifilm lists about 2400 medications, with about 1500 that are available for blistering. - The wholesaler code GSCD is always "Y"
- The availability in STCKIN might contain additional stock information details, as a supplement to the binary information in STCK. We suggest to display this information to the system end user, too.
- For Medifilm, the possible values are:
- STCK=1/STCKIN=NORMAL: normal availablity for film / blister service
- STCK=1/STCKIN=BESTPRI: best price ( no additional logistics costs)
- STCK=0/STCKIN=NO: unable to blister this article
- STCK=0/STCKIN=aH: this article is out of trade
- STCK=0/STCKIN=UNABLE: this article has supply chain problems
- STCK=0/STCKIN=NONEEDS: There is no market demand for this article.
- STCK=0/STCKIN=NOSUPPLY: There is no supply for this article.
- For Medifilm, the possible values are:
- The return code RETCD is always "9" (no returns accpeted)
- The minimum order size MINORD has a slightly different meaning, as it denotes the minimal divisability of a SDO than can be ordered, e.g. "0.25" for a SDO that can be ordered as a 1/4th-tablet. A tablet can always be ordered in multiples of this value, too (e.g. 0.25 allows orders of 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 etc.)
- The pricecode PRICD is always "N" (package without price label)
- The price information in the node WHSPRI contains pricing information. Of note is the price type PTYP, which shall use a value of "BLST" for the prices of blistering providers.
Release 2015-11
Lieferinfos Verblisterer (Medifilm AG)
Im Schema ARTICLE_WHOLESALER werden laufend zusĂ€tzliche Lieferdaten von weiteren Grossisten aufgeschaltet. Im 2015 waren dies z.B. Unione und Voigt sowie die Daten zur VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Medikamenten beim Verblisterungsanbieter Medifilm AG. Damit wird es z.B. fĂŒr Kranken-, Pflegeheime und SpitĂ€ler einfacher, patientenindividuell verblisterte Arzneimittel direkt anhand der INDEX-Daten zu bestellen.
Detailinformationen siehe Release Schreiben 2015-11
Release 2015-11
Informations de livraison de lâemballeur sous blister (Medifilm SA)
De plus en plus de donnĂ©es de livraison de nouveaux grossistes sont publiĂ©es dans le schĂ©ma ARTICLE_WHOLESALER. Depuis de lâannĂ©e 2015, ce schĂ©ma affiche p. ex. les donnĂ©es dâUnione et de Voigt et Ă©galement les donnĂ©es concernant la disponibilitĂ© des mĂ©dicaments chez le fournisseur de blisters Medifilm SA. Il sera ainsi plus facile pour les Ă©tablisseements mĂ©dico-sociaux et les hĂŽpitaux de commander des mĂ©dicaments sous blister individuel directement avec la base de donnĂ©es INDEX.
Information voir lettre Release 2015-11
German | Artikeldaten der Grossisten / Lieferinfos Verblisterer |
French | Informations des grossistes pour leur articles / Informations de livraison de l'emballeur sous blister |
Schema Elements Overview
Element Name | Short Description |
AW |
Artikelsatz des Grossisten Article-record of wholesaler Article-record of wholesaler |
Löschkennzeichen Logical delete flag Logical delete flag |
Konditionen Conditions Conditions |
Minimum order quantity Minimum order quantity Minimum order quantity |
Pharmacode Pharmacode Pharmacode |
- |
This platform is wholesaler dependent This platform is wholesaler dependent This platform is wholesaler dependent |
Price Code Price Code Price Code |
Mode for product return conditions Mode for product return conditions Mode for product return conditions |
Return conditions Return conditions Return conditions |
Percentage of withdrawal on returns by supplier Percentage of withdrawal on returns by supplier Percentage of withdrawal on returns by supplier |
Pharmacode of an article under special sale which replaces current article Pharmacode of an article under special sale which replaces current article Pharmacode of an article under special sale which replaces current article |
Kind of replacement Kind of replacement Kind of replacement |
Type of replacement Type of replacement Type of replacement |
Seasonal period Seasonal period Seasonal period |
Package width in mm Package width in mm Package width in mm |
Package depth in mm Package depth in mm Package depth in mm |
Package height in mm Package height in mm Package height in mm |
Stock/assortment information Stock/assortment information Stock/assortment information |
Article availability Article availability Article availability |
Volume in cm3 Volume in cm3 Volume in cm3 |
Weight in gram Weight in gram Weight in gram |
Wholesaler special sales Wholesaler special sales Wholesaler special sales |
Type of special sale Type of special sale Type of special sale |
Last day of special sale Last day of special sale Last day of special sale |
Current number of special sale condition for article-wholesaler-combination Current number of special sale condition for article-wholesaler-combination Current number of special sale condition for article-wholesaler-combination |
First day of special sale First day of special sale First day of special sale |
Discount in percent Discount in percent Discount in percent |
Delivered quantity Delivered quantity Delivered quantity |
Delivered quantity Delivered quantity Delivered quantity |
Reduced price per unit on this discount level Reduced price per unit on this discount level Reduced price per unit on this discount level |
Wholesalers article number/old pseudo âpharmacodeâ given by wholesaler Wholesalers article number/old pseudo âpharmacodeâ given by wholesaler Wholesalers article number/old pseudo âpharmacodeâ given by wholesaler |
Wholesaler key Wholesaler key Wholesaler key |
Grossisten Preise Wholesaler Prices Wholesaler Prices |
Price of bundle deposit like âHarrasseâ Price of bundle deposit like âHarrasseâ Price of bundle deposit like âHarrasseâ |
Price of packet deposit like âBottleâ Price of packet deposit like âBottleâ Price of packet deposit like âBottleâ |
Price fixed by wholesaler incl. Packet depots Price fixed by wholesaler incl. Packet depots Price fixed by wholesaler incl. Packet depots |
Price Type Price Type Price Type |
Validity date Validity date Validity date |