Wirkstoffe, Hilfsstoffe

Source: HCI Solutions AG / ABDA   |   Release 2008-01   |   Schema/XSD   |   Example Data

Information on substances


German Wirkstoffe, Hilfsstoffe
French Substance

Schema Elements Overview

Element Name Short Description
SB Substance
SUBNO Substance number
Substance number
Substance number
NAMD Name of substance german
Name of substance german
Name of substance german
ANAMD Name of substance german (ABDA)
Name of substance german (ABDA)
Name of substance german (ABDA)
NAMF Name of substance french
Name of substance french
Name of substance french
NAML Name of substance latin
Name of substance latin
Name of substance latin
ABDANO ABDA Substance number
ABDA Substance number
ABDA Substance number
CAS CAS-number of substance
CAS-number of substance
CAS-number of substance
MMASS Molar Mass
Molar Mass
Molar Mass
FORMULA Chemical formula
Chemical formula
Chemical formula
DEL Löschkennzeichen
Logical delete flag
Logical delete flag
SCTID SNOMED CT Concept ID der Substanz

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