typ de code
Type of code

Source: HCI Solutions AG   |   CODETYPE 0   |   Release 2008-01

Type of Code

Using your existing INDEX login, click the [CODETYPE 0] link above to get the current list of all available codes

0: List of all possible code types (the list of lists)
1: Assortment index, used in ARTICLE/ART/CDSO1+CDSO2
2: Therapeutical index, used in
3: ATC classification
4: Way of application
5: Galenic form
6: Short description
7: Standardized text phrases
9: UnitCodes
10: AlertType
11: Properties
12: ICD-10
13: MiGeL
14: Galenic Form (4-letter mnemonic, as used in Generic Group GENGRP)
15: Galenic Group (used in Generic Group)
16: Indication of Danger
17: Risk phrase
18: Security phrase
19: InsCode (EOL)
20: New Insurance Code
21: Depot code (used in in Article Depot)
22: Relevance of drug interaction
23: Control measures for narcotics
24: GHS Hazard Statements
25: GHS Precautionary Statements
26: Route of administration
27: ITBAG (Index Therapeuticus BAG)
28: NDATYPE (Betäubungsmittelbewilligung)
29: Serviceprovider Rolecode (Medwin-Rollen für Serviceprovider)
30: Product Brand (Brand/Marke für Produkt)
31: Product Subbrand (Subbrand/Markenlinie für Produkt)
32: Compendium text type
33: GHS Indication of Danger (e.g. „GHS03")
34: MiGeL Beschreibung
35: MiGeL Interpretation
36: ADR (ADR Merkmal, Status). Possible values are "Adr: Gefahrengut"; "untersteht ADR"; "UN-Datensatz zwingend",  "AdrLq: Limitierte Menge"; "ADR" und "UN-Datensatz optional", "AdrExcept: ADR nicht unterstellt aufgrund Sondervorschriften", "NotAdr: Kein Gefahrengut", "NotClassfd: Noch nicht klassifiziert".
37: ADR package type (european Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road – Volume II"; Kapitel, e.g. "3: Kanister")

39: Pricetype (e.g. PEXF: Exfactory-Preis, PPHA: Detailhandelspreis,PPUB: Publikumspreis,M2JA: MiGeL-Preis pro 2 Jahre, M3MO: MiGeL-Preis pro 3 Monate). Used in ART/ARTPRI/PTYP, AWS/WHSPRI/PTYP,  ART/ARTMIG/PTYP.
40: Swissmedic Category (z.B. "A: Swissmedic Abgabekategorie A"). Used in in ARTICLE/ART/SMCAT and PRODUCT/PRD/SMCAT
41: Article image type (e.g. "PICFRONT: Flat direct frontal view"). Used in ARTICLE/ART/PIC/PTYP.
42: Product trade status (e.g. "iH=im Handel", "aH=ausser Handel", "nb=nicht bekannt").
43: Productgroup code, product type classification, used in PRODUCT/PRDGRPCD. Either the Swissmedic "Heilmittelcode" product type classification (for medications) or food or medical product code.
44: Chaining type, used in ARTICLE/ARTCH
45: Therapeutic Register, used in PRODUCT/PRD/TRE)
46: News category (subject/area), used in NEWS
47: News relevance (urgency, iimportance), used in NEWS
48: Company role
49: Article package type
50: CDS Module
51: CDS Classification
52: CDS Relevance
53: CDS Measures
54: CDS Sex (patient gender)
55: Refdata Serviceprovider-Rollen
56: CDS Check Type (Abbildung der Risiken bzw. Chechtypen gemäss Documedis CDS.CE
57: Regulations (Abgabebedingungen)
58: Tarif Forum Datenaustausch (Abrechnungsrelevante Tarife), e.g. "402: GS1 GTIN"

59: Articletype, used in ARTICLE/ARTTYP
60: Market status, as used in ARTICLE/SALECD
61: Route of Administration EDQM, as used in PRODUCT/PRD/CPT/EDQMROAS
62: Method of Administration EDQM, as used in PRODUCT/PRD/CPT/EDQMROAS

63: Pharmaceutical Dose Form EDQM, as used in PRODUCT/CPT/EDQMPDF
64: Article quantity unit, as used in ARTICLE/QTYU
65: CDS maximum dosage type, as used in CDS/CDSPRD/PRDDSM/DSMDOS/DSMTYP
66: Chemical group, as used in ARTICLE/CHEMGROUP

67: Signalword, as used in ARTICLE/ARTDAN
68: Medical product attribute, as used in PRODUCT/PRD/MDATTR
69: Type of product additional Industry data, as used in PRODUCT/PRD/PPLUS

70: Instance of reference number, as used in SERVICEPROVIDER/SP/REFNO/CODE

71: Divisibility according to GSASA, as used in PRODUCT/PRD/GSASA/DIVGSASA


Code types 7,10,11,12 are not in use.



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