Kundenindividuelle Erweiterungsdaten für die Schemas PRODUCT und ARTICLE
Données clients individuelles pour l'extension^des schemas PRODUCT et ARTICLE

Source: HCI Solutions AG / Industry   |   Release 2017-05   |   Schema/XSD   |   Example Data

In addition to use the INDEX data in their own solution as-it-is, some INDEX customers need to manage their own additional proprietary PRODUCT and ARTICLE data structures and contents. For such needs, we offer INDEXcatalog, our web-based product information manager (PIM).

  • INDEXcatalog allows a customer to define his own proprietary data elements, based on (and linked to) PRODUCT and ARTICLE data hierarchies.
  • Then, he adds all the articles that are of interest, either manually or through and upload/import of an XLS/CSV file.
  • Based on this article list, the system adds all related products.
  • Finally, the customer now edits the new individual fields for the selected articles and products.

Once the catalog (or one of the multiple possible subcatalogs) is ready, it can be downloaded either manually through the INDEXcatalog website, or by downloading it from the INDEX webservice using thie CATALOG schema.

The input schema to download a CATALOG is different from the usual INDEX schema calls due to the needs of the business process:

  • ID: The catalog unique identifier, visible in INDEXcatalog
  • LANG: The output language, either DE or FR, used to select multilingual associated INDEX fields
  • FROM_DATE: Only return catalog attributes that changed since that date
  • SYSTEM: An optional value to identify the "target system" for this download, this allows for subsystem-specific column naming in the export mappping.
  • OWNER_GLN: The GLN of the catalog owner, visible in INDEXcatalog (the EPN*-Account requesting the catalog must have access permissions for this GLN and the catalgo ID must belong to the OWNER_GLN)

The output of the INDEX service DownloadCATALOG then consists of a single element CAT that contains a CDATA section that encloses the complete XML version of the requested catalog, including a XSD definition of the structure (because each CATALOG has an individual, dynamic structure).


German Kundenindividuelle Erweiterungsdaten für die Schemas PRODUCT und ARTICLE
French Données clients individuelles pour l'extension^des schemas PRODUCT et ARTICLE

Schema Elements Overview

Element Name Short Description


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